Stieg Larsson’s last email

These days there are new chapters being written to the saga of the the fight over Stieg Larsson’s last words. His partner, Eva Gabrielsson, has with a French journalist written the memoir, Millenium – Stieg and I, where among other things it is claimed that Larsson did not have a good relationship with his own family. Last week, Joakim Larsson responded via the Swedish newspaper Expressen by publishing the last email sent by Stieg to himself sent 20 days before he died – from the address at 9.54 pm 20. October 2004. According to the brother, the mail shows that Stieg had nothing against his brother – so it speaks for itself, Joakim Larsson writes.

Stieg Larsson begins his mail like this: “Hello Umeå, yes ny detective novels sell damn well – even before they are in the bookstores. I have submitted three finished books and the fourth will soon be ready as well.” In his mail to his brother, Joakim Larsson asked if he would soon return to Umeå, but Stieg declines.

Read Stieg Larsson’s last mail to his brother here (in Swedish).


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3 responses to “Stieg Larsson’s last email

  1. jakobstougaard

    Thanks for this!

  2. Non-Swedish speakers may appreciate a translation …

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